Happiness as my Birthright

Growing up, all the families I had around me seemed like the typical “happy family” . Mom and Dad still together, in a mostly healthy relationship, good jobs, nice home, kids running around. As a kid, I really thought that is how most people lived. Except for the poor malnourished African children you see on television, people in the West, to me, all had nice homes and nice parents and were able to be carefree and play soccer and have big birthday parties. 

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5 Things I Learned from Living in a Van For 3 Months

I can't believe it's been 3 months already that I gave back the key to my apartment, put my things in storage and headed for the adventure of living in a van full time. It's been intense to say the least. 

When I left, I wanted to find myself: my strength, my freedom, my inspiration, what is essential and what is not. What feels good and what does not...

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There is a First Time for Everything...

I sold my first arwork in quite unusual circumstances. It was 10 years ago.


My dance teacher had challenged us to do something that really scares us. And I, *for some reason*, decided I would set up a "pop-up store" and sell my drawings. 





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Flower of Life Insights

Have you noticed that you see Flower of Life representations on about everything now?

I just saw one on a flower pot in a coffee shop. And on a bumper sticker. Woo-woos and hipsters alike are adopting it on t-shirts, tattoos and coffee mugs.

Why is that?

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What Do I Really Need? - Flashback From December 2015

Today, on my plane ride, I was reflecting on my desire of a simpler, more authentic life. This desire has grown stronger and stronger, as my dedication to my art has grown stronger and stronger. I realized that the more focused I am on my passion, the more I experience the joy and fulfillment of being in alignment with my purpose, the clearer I get about what in my life is serving me and my purpose…or not

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Leaning Into Emptiness

I had the chance to spend last week in the beautiful mountains south of Lake Tahoe in California. I decided to spend the entire week painting. Just paint, journal and take walks...

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Don’t Fear - For Each One They Take Down, Thousands Rise

These days, there seems to be so much darkness lurking around. In a second, each of our lives can be destroyed by horror. Whether we are in the wrong night club at the wrong time, passing the wrong car, wearing a skirt in the wrong street, or simply looking at the wrong person at the wrong time. 

Or, in the case of the US, ...


Photo credit: Amelie Hubert

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The Silence of the Full Moon

Yesterday night, I was sitting on the steps of my van, looking up at the sky and the big bright moon. I was lucky to be up in the mountains, so the only light was that of the moon. She seemed to have so much wisdom to offer. 

I pulled out a card from my Zen Tarot deck: Silence.

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The Excitement of a Cup of Coffee

I stayed at a friend's last night (and by that I mean sleeping in my van in their driveway). I woke up this morning feeling so excited! I'm prancing around, of course because I love my life and just finished a painting and all that...but also for something else: this morning I get to have home-made coffee and a shower! 

Photo credit: Amelie Hubert

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On The Road

There are many reasons why I decided to get on the road in a van: freedom, more quiet time, adventure, financial, ... But the most potent and exciting one was to discover who I am when I strip out a lot of what has constituted my life for as far as I can remember. All the comforts and habits. I want to see "what I'm made of". 

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Welcome to Blue - my new traveling companion (aka Sprinter Van)

I have not written in a while as I was very absorbed in a project very dear to my heart: moving out of my apartment and into a converted van...to travel, discover new places, paint and share my art. I have kept it close to my heart for several weeks, and now it has become a reality!

Stay tuned for more... :-)

Are You Sexy For Inspiration?

I was just reading this piece of Elizabeth Gilbert's book Big Magic, about being sexy for our creativity. Here's an excerpt:

"Also, try to present yourself to your creativity as if you are sexy - as if you are somebody worth spending time with...

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It's Not What You Do...

The full moon/eclipse has a lot of old emotions and memories come up to the surface for me...or maybe it's just that I'm learning to listen better to what needs to be heard within. Probably both.

During a painting session on the day of the Equinox this past Saturday, a sentence came to me from somewhere above... or inside (or both, I can't tell). It said:

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Celebrating One Year Anniversary

Last Sunday I celebrated my one year anniversary! Anniversary of what? Glad you asked. 

I announced on Facebook and Instagram, that it had been a year that I had made the decision to pick up my brushes and never put them back ever again. 

Well, that's not exactly accurate.

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