REST - thoughs and new paintings

This month I'd love to share more about a sub-section of my series "Goddesses, Deities and Nymph" that I called REST. I didn't plan on it at all but the inspiration for it just came. So far there are 3 paintings (and probably more to come), that all celebrate rest (pictures below and more info here)

These past few months I've been reading, listening and reflecting on the idea of Rest as our birthright (by the way, I highly recommend the book "Rest is Resistance" by Tricia Hersey from The Nap Ministry). I've learned that the idea of "Grind/Hustle" Culture comes from capitalism and white supremacy. A culture that brainwashes us into thinking that if we work hard enough we will make ourselves worthy, and that we need to earn rest and pleasure. All so that we would be good exhausted soldiers whose labour make the system work. 

It's not easy to unravel all of our conditioning around it and I'm still learning to listen to my body and soul when they ask for more time to rest, think, feel and dream. I've painted these as a reminder and celebration of rest, sleep, daydreams, connexion with nature, the simple things in life. You see a nymph resting in a field of flower, one sleeping on a pillow of moss in the forest while a third one is bathing in a lake. 

I invite you to take a moment everyday to slow down, go outside, feel the sun on your skin, and just take a moment to appreciate life. Without feeling guilty of course :-)